December 6, 2012

'Gag Concert's Brave Guys releases 'Growing Distant' MV

Brave guys (Brave Rascals) has released their 'Growing Distant' MV and has announced that their album this time around will be their very last. I was clearly expecting a comedic MV, even though it was an emotional song to begin with, but we were pleasantly surprised. The MV is what you would normally watch if an actual band put out an MV, which is very refreshing but bittersweet at the same time. Since this is their last MV together as a group, I felt like they still have a lot more potential to explore.

The song itself is really very good, even if they're not singers/rappers professionally. The MV tugs at your heartstrings. What else do you want ? It is saddening that this will be their last single together but I do hope someday they'll get together again. But fret not, Shin Bora and the other members have hinted if opportunity comes rolling along Shin Bora's way, she might take it.

Check out their 'Growing Distant' MV below. (If you are still not intrigued by what I have said, there's eye candy in the form of the male lead. Go check it out now !)

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