December 6, 2012

BtoB's Ilhoon is variety-dol in the making?

We think BTOB might just be the next variety-dol in the making. BtoB's Ilhoon helped out Hyungdon and Defcon on a past episode of Weekly Idol aired in November. Miss A was on the show and Ilhoon looked pretty comfortable helping them grill the meat and being cute in the process. He looked so comfortable with Hyungdon and Defcon that I think 'Weekly Idol' should really offer him a permanent position. His adlibs was spot-on and he interacted well with the hosts as well as Miss A. No room for awkwardness here. 'Weekly Idol' loves the Cube Family and that is why we love you, 'Weekly Idol'.

Hopefully some show out there (if 'Weekly Idol' does not realize his potential) will take him to be an MC. He's a rough diamond waiting to be polished. Check out the full episode below and tell us what you think.

credits : sweetkittenhouse on YT

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